PDF · Útgáfa 1800-730 — mars 2020
Leiðar­veður­spáþjón­ustur Veður­stofu Íslands

The project and results presented within this report address adapting and expanding the SeaMon-API service to en-route road weather forecasts and the development of a mobile friendly (responsive) user interface for trials with users in Iceland. The new web-service and the results of this initial user interface development are being adapted by Stokkur ehf for inclusion as a component in the IMO Veður app. Furthermore, the new SeaMon-API en-route weather service has been made public for Iceland, and can be accessed and used as a component in other services, such as any future applications developed for or by the Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration.

Leiðarspákerfi Veðurstofu Íslands

Hróbjartur Þorsteinsson



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