PDF · júní 2012
Ferða­veður­spár og vind­hviður – Wind gusts and local gust forecast for Iceland­ic roads – grein á SIRWEC ráðstefnu í maí 2012

At present the development of gust forecasts is underway at the Icelandic Road Administration. The goal of the project is to analyse dangerous wind locations, especially by steep mountains and to increase the public service. By forecasting gusts the public will get better information of local winds at specific locations, and a forecast for the next few hours for the places where dangerous katabatic winds are common during certain meteorological conditions. Over 60 places of strong wind gusts are investigated. Wind measurements are available for more than 10 years for some of these locations. The wind data compared with winds higher aloft, mainly at the 850 hPa level are the base to a probabilistic gust model (30 m/s) for 9 locations.

Ferðaveðurspár og vindhviður

E. Sveinbjörnsson, Veðurvaktin, N. Jónasson, B. Jónsson Vegagerðin



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