PDF · mars 2008
Tourists visit­ing Þórs­mörk lack know­ledge and awar­eness of Katla and jökul­hlaup hazard

In order to gain an insight into the public’s knowledge and awareness of Katla and jökulhlaup hazard 116 face-to-face questionnaire survey interviews were conducted with tourists in the Þórsmörk region during the 2007 summer season. The questionnaire survey instrument is a popular tool to gain social data in relation to natural hazards (Gregg et al., 2007; McIvor and Paton, 2007; Paton, 2007; Bird and Dominey-Howes, 2008). The tourist questionnaire consisted of 52 questions which collected classification data and information about the participants knowledge, awareness and perception of Katla and jökulhlaup hazards and if any personal preparedness measures had been taken. The design of this questionnaire was pre-tested with tourists in Þórsmörk during the 2006 tourist summer season. The interviews were conducted in English and Icelandic and all participants were 18 years or older. Participants were recruited for the survey by direct approach and the contents of the questionnaire were revealed to them prior to the interview.

Tourists visiting Þórsmörk lack knowledge and awareness of Katla and jökulhlaup hazard

Deanne Bird, Guðrún Gísladóttir and Dale Dominey-Howes - HÍ, MQU, UNSW



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Áfangaskýrsla um verkefnið: „Skynjun íbúa og ferðamanna á hættu vegna eldgoss og viðbrögð þeirra við náttúrvá tengdri Kötlu“