PDF · Útgáfa Nr 1800-973 — 27. mars 2024
Nýtt nærsviðs­líkan af stór­skjálfta­hreyf­ingum út frá gervi­skjálfta­ritum með aðferð­um Bayes­ískrar tölfræði

The long-term goal of the project (measurable a few years after the project has finished) is to mitigate the destructive impacts of future earthquakes in Iceland through the comprehensive implementation of the first physics-based approach to near-fault PSHA. To that end, the shortterm objective of the project i.e., the direct and immediate effects that are measurable at the end of the project, is to deliver a new GMM that captures the characteristics of near-fault velocity pulses, that the details are reflected in the milestones defined in this report.

Skjámynd 31

Milad Kowsari



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