PDF · Útgáfa 2020-01 — desember 2020
Flood frequ­ency analys­is in a chang­ing climate Climate change impact on design flood

The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of climate change on flood characteristics in
Icelandic rivers. Daily streamflow discharge series were simulated for three river catchments
over the 1981-2100 period with the HYPE hydrological model forced with an ensemble of biascorrected CORDEX climate projections under two emission scenarios. The catchments are
located in the south-east, south-west and north of the country and their drainage area is ranging
from 115 to 5700 km2. The hydrological response of these catchments to projected climate
change was analysed, considering moving 30-year time-windows and compared to the situation
in the 1981-2010 reference period.

Flood frequency analysis in changing climate

Philippe Crochet


Höfundur skýrslunnar ber ábyrgð á innihaldi hennar. Niðurstöður hennar ber ekki að túlka sem yfirlýsta stefnu Vegagerðarinnar eða álit þeirra stofnana eða fyrirtækja sem höfundar starfa hjá.



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