PDF · 30. nóvember 2019
The data­base of the Iceland­ic bridge mana­gement system

A fundamental requirement for road safety is bridge maintenance. In order to achieve safety, regular
and efficient inspections must be implemented. The purpose of this paper is to access the conditions
of the Icelandic bridges, in order to plan maintenance or demolition. This paper defines the
relationship between the last inspection grade condition and the age of the bride, by implementing
a regression analysis on the available data. In the case study, 1146 bridges have been implemented
in a linear and non-linear regression analysis were the overall grade has been combined with other
variables. The results show that age is the variable most affecting the overall grade, and between the
bridge components, the foundation is the one most affecting the grade.

The database of the Icelandic bridge management system

Filippo Riviera and Friad Nadir Hamad


Haraldur Sigþórsson



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