PDF · 2018
Interacti­on between Iceland­ic basalt and Swed­ish granite with swed­ish bitu­men emulsi­on

Like in any modern civilization, roads in Iceland have an important role in the daily lives of inhabitants. Consequently, road quality is of equal importance, but Icelandic roads have shown problems when surface dressing is used where it looks decent after being paved during summer but then deforming pretty rapidly after being hit by elements of winter. Roads in Sweden however, do not seem to have the same problem.

The aim of this study is to minimize this road deformation by examining surface dressing and aggregates. The Icelandic climate is also a factor to this problem since the humidity is comparatively high, summers are cool, winters are mild and the climate is overall challenging. Furthermore, winter thaws are distinctive characteristic of the Icelandic weather, which increases strain on the asphalt. An experiment was conducted where the adhesion of surface dressing that is common in Sweden was tested with two different aggregates by Vialit plate shock test method. First it was tested with Swedish granite and then with Icelandic basalt. The results from the aggregates were compared where the adhesion with the granite was stronger than with the basalt.

Interaction between Icelandic basalt and Swedish granite with Swedish bitumen emulsion minna

Björk Úlfarsdóttir


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