PDF · 2009
Tunn­eling in acidic, altered and sedi­ment­ary rock in Iceland – Búðar­háls­virkj­un

The focus of this thesis is tunneling in acidic, altered and sedimentary rock in Iceland. These rock types are found in Búðarháls which is the location of a new hydropower
station in the south of Iceland. The Búðarháls project includes an excavation of a 4 km long tunnel through various rock types and challenging tunneling conditions. Excavation has not started in Búðarháls but preliminary investigations have given information about the geology in the area and access to borehole cores which were used for this investigation. At the northern end of the tunnel there are acidic rock formations which are rare in Icelandic tunneling history and interesting to examine more closely.

Tunneling in acidic, altered and sedimentary rock in Iceland - Búðarhálsvirkjun

Hallgrímur Örn Arngrímsson og Þorri Björn Gunnarsson - HÍ



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