PDF · október 2008
Rock Mass Character­isati­on and Rein­forc­ment Stra­tegies for Tunn­els in Iceland

Meistararitgerð um verkefnið: "Mat á styrkingaraðferðum á bergi í Fáskrúðsfjarðargöngum"

The main aim of the project is to investigate by means of numerical analyses the reliability and the quality of the reinforcement used in the Fáskrúðsfjörður tunnel
in the eastern part of Iceland. The tunnel is the only road tunnel in Iceland where stress measurement has been carried out during the excavation. The results from
the stress measurements will be used in the numerical analysis part of the thesis. Three various models were analysed, a model with typical Icelandic mixed face and
two models cross sections based on geological and geotechnical conditions from the Fáskrúðsfjörður tunnel.

Rock Mass Characterisation and Reinforcment Strategies for Tunnels in Iceland

Gunnar Arnar Gunnarsson - HÍ



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