PDF · ágúst 2007
Tilraunakaflar á Vest­fjörð­um – ráðstefnu­grein – MAIREP­AV5 ágúst 2007

Two experimental road sections were laid in 2003 in the northwestern part of Iceland to compare different aggregate sources and their suitability for low cost and low traffic surface dressing. The third set of experimental road sections was laid in the year 2005. The laying process was a traditional surface dressing procedure for all test sites. The project focused on comparing aggregates for surface dressing in a district where the traffic volume is generally low and climatic conditions are harsh. Comparison of surface conditions and test results indicate that abrasive strength of aggregates is most important where the traffic rate is relatively high (i.e. over 1.000 AADT). On the other hand frost resistance proves to be a ruling factor regarding service life of surface dressing where the traffic rate is relatively low. Other important factors recognized are the condition of the underlying surface as well as good practice when laying surface dressing.

Tilraunakaflar á Vestfjörðum - ráðstefnugrein - MAIREPAV5 ágúst 2007

Pétur Pétursson - NSMÍ



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