PDF · september 2004
Evrópskar saman­burðar­rann­sókn­ir á frost­þoli, Nord­test

The two-year Nordtest project no. 1624-03 has now been completed. It was divided into two main steps, the first one being completed at the end of 2003 with an interim report. Fifteen laboratories in ten European countries participated in this project, including laboratories in all the Nordic countries. The Nordtest proposal and project description are enclosed in Appendix I.

The main objective of the project was to test aggregates from different sources throughout Europe at different laboratories in Europe, with both pure water and salt water freeze/thaw test methods, to widen the applicability of the freeze/thaw test method in 1 % NaCl. A part of this objective was to demonstrate that different freeze/thaw cabinets can be used to obtain comparable results, as long as the desired sample temperature is adhered to. Another objective was to gain reliable repeatability and reproducibility values for frost resistance test methods with and without salt (NT BUILD 485 and EN 1367-1). Thirdly, to produce and suggest to the relevant task group of CEN/TC 154, a revised method for testing aggregate freeze/thaw resistance with 1 % NaCl to be included in the European Standards.

Evrópskar samanburðarrannsóknir á frostþoli, Nordtest

Pétur Pétursson - IBRI og Björn Schouenborg - SP



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