Employees of the Icelandic Road Administration and contractors are now working on repairing potholes and other damage that has formed on roads around the country after stormy weather. The work is carried out in difficult conditions, where vehicle traffic is heavy, even dark weather, heavy rain and wetness. It can be difficult for drivers to see people at work, which creates a risk of accidents. The Icelandic Road Administration asks road users to be extra careful and reduce speed when driving past repair areas.
Many people have noticed damage and potholes on the country’s roads in recent days. Weather changes, especially rain and frost and alternating thaws, have a major impact on road potholes. Increased traffic also has an impact on this, as well as a lack of funding for road maintenance.
Potholes and damage to roads are repaired as quickly as possible, often in difficult conditions. In many places, work is carried out in close proximity to often heavy traffic, which can be dangerous and increase the risk of accidents. It is therefore important that road users keep their eyes on them and reduce speed when driving past repair areas. This spring, more comprehensive repairs will be undertaken, either complete overlays or local repairs of large and small wells and other damage.
One of the reasons potholes form is when water lies on roads. All it takes is a small crack in the asphalt for water to get underneath and accumulate. When water freezes, its volume increases, and when it thaws again, the asphalt is tensioned. If a heavy truck drives over it and breaks it down, a pothole can form very quickly.
Potholes can be reported through the Road Administration’s feedback system on vegagerdin.is. Then click on the „Contact us“ tab. At the same place, you can submit a damage report. In this case, the case will go through the normal process where it will be assessed whether there is a liability to pay compensation.
Holuviðgerðir, febrúar 2025.
Umhleypingasamt veður hefur áhrif á holumyndun.