Hér er að finna upplýsingar um DATEX II þjónustu Vegagerðarinnar og umferðarupplýsingarnar sem veittar eru á því formi. Til að byrja með eru upplýsingarnar eingöngu á ensku þar sem það eru að sinni a.m.k. eingöngu erlendir aðilar sem vinna með leiðsögukerfi í síma og bifreiðar sem nýta sér þær. Úr því verður þó bætt í fyllingu tímans.

DATEX II traffic information

Traffic Information from Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration (IRCA) are now available via DATEX II 3.1 standard. See for more information.

The services available supports snapshot PULL via HTTP Get and SOAP according to DATEX II exchange 2020 specification.  This means that you can request information on demand.

Currently five different DATEX II services are available, these are:

Point Incidents
Returns current point events
Road conditions
Returns current road conditions on predefined locations (sections)
Road condition sections
Returns all predefined road condition sections.
Measurement sites
Returns all defined measurements sites. A measurements site is a weather data post and.
Measurement data
Returns all current/latest measurement data values on Measurements sites.

Point Incidents
This services gives information about incidents on the road. The Incidents using point coordinates and OpenLR Point as location referencing system.

Road Conditions
Road conditions gives information on a predefined section on the road. A road condition always exists and are regular updated when road conditions changes.

Road condition sections
The road conditions sections give all predefined sections used by the road condition service. Each road condition section is defined by one or more segment defined as a GML LineString and OpenLR Linear.

Measurement sites
The measurement sites services return all measurement sites available including what kind of measurement point each site have which tells what kind of data it measures.  Each measurement site has a coordinate as Location and a OpenLR Point.

Measurement data
The measurement data service returns the latest measurement values on each measurement site.


If you have questions please contact

For more technical details see the specification below