
IRCA is responsible for Iceland’s road system and handles road construction, road services, and general road maintenance. Highways are roads that are meant for public traffic.  Highways form a natural, continuous road system, connecting the built-up areas of Iceland.


Road types


Highways are roads for the public and are maintained by the state. Roads are listed in the roads list. IRCA is the party responsible for highways, municipalities are the party responsible for municipal roads and the owners of private roads are responsible for the upkeep of their roads.

General paths, municipal roads, and private roads.

Mountain roads

The opening of mountain roads depends on the weather in the spring or at the beginning of summer.

The Road Administration publishes a map in the spring and into the summer that shows where mountain roads are open. The map is updated as conditions change.

Information about traffic and road conditions is published on

Highland map (PDF file)

Highlands map (gif file)

Here you can also find an information brochure on the opening of mountain roads (2024) which shows the estimated opening dates of the main mountain roads.

You can apply for funding to strengthen certain transport routes that do not fall under the definition of roads according to the Road Act. Subsidized transport routes must be open to all public traffic. Apply on my pages – Applications are open in February.

Roads list

The roads list divides roads into road sections where various information is provided on each section. For example, length of road section, name of constituency, municipality, and the road maintenance area number. Also, listed are the road category and road type, preferable for the road section in question, when taking into account of general traffic forecast.

Guidelines and rules