Notification of vehicle damage

Tjón á ökutækjum sem verða á þjóðvegum vegna ástands vegar er hægt að tilkynna til Vegagerðarinnar. Tilkynnt er um tjón á Mínum síðum Vegagerðarinnar.

Research grants

Application for a regional road

Ports and sea defences

Funds for sea defences due to flood risk or land erosion caused by the intrusion of the sea. Habited areas and areas with structures or cultural heritage have priority when it comes to the construction of sea defences. All suggestions or wishes expressed by the municipalities on places where structures or other things of value are in danger due to tidal floods or land erosion, will be evaluated, assessment of construction and cost carried out, and projects placed in an order of priority.

Construction within buffer zone

Rally tournaments on highways

Exemption from size and weight limitations