IRCA’s traffic service 1777 is responsible for sharing information with travellers on road conditions, weather, travelling conditions, and services in the road system, from morning to night, all year round. The traffic service responds to enquiries through phone or e-mail, publishes notifications on, via text, and e-mail, as well as handling the switchboard service of IRCA. 1777 traffic service works closely with IRCA’s watch stations in the gathering and dissemination of information to travellers.
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The role of 1777 traffic service is to provide travellers with the latest information on road conditions and weather, offer guidance and support through phone and via e-mail, provide opinions regarding exemptions to weight limits on roads, and answer questions about Loftbrú.
Service representatives closely monitor weather forecasts and road conditions, receive input from travellers, and share this information with IRCA’s watch and service stations.
1777 is open from 06:30 to 22:00 every day, year round. IRCA’s switchboard services are open on working days from 08:00-16:00.
Umferðarþjónustan sér um að miðla upplýsingum til vegfarenda í sambandi við færð og veður á vegum.
Á veturna er mest spurt um færð og veður og vegfarendur hringja inn með ábendingar um það sem betur megi fara í vetrarþjónustu.
The winter is the busiest time at the traffic service. During a busy winter day, the traffic service answers up to 3,000 phone calls, and issues around 150 notifications that appear on and
During summertime, travellers call for assistance when planning trips around the country; gathering information about distance and road conditions on the highlands. People also call with input and comments regarding jobs that may need to be done such as dust binding and road grading, notifying us of potholes or road damage, seeking assistance using Loftbrú, as well as asking about construction that is being carried out, at any given time.
The traffic service is operated in Ísafjörður, with eight employers that are experienced in providing information to the public.
The traffic service sends out daily notifications regarding weather and road conditions, road construction and repairs, closures, and weight limits that can affect the use of the road system.
The latest notifications can be found on the website Traffic info.