Traffic between January 2024 and 2025
In January 2025, traffic increased by 4.2% over 16 key counters on the Ring Road (1), compared to the same month the previous year, and a new traffic record was set with an average of over 70,000 cars per day. The largest increase can be seen in the West (6.0%) and the capital region (4.3%), but the smallest in the North (0.7%). Mýrdalssandur showed the largest increase (14.9%), but only Mývatnsöræfi wilderness showed a decrease (4.3%).
Between months 2024 and 2025
In January, traffic increased by 4.2% over 16 key counters on the Ring Road (1), compared to the same month last year. This broke a new traffic record in January, over the said parameters, where a total of just over 70 thousand (vehicles/day) crossed the 16 gauges on average, while almost 68 thousand (vehicles/day) passed through these same formats in January last year.
The annual average increase in January, since the beginning of the summary, is 3.3%, so the current increase is well above average.
The main difference is that traffic increased by 6.0% over the gauge in the West of Iceland and 4.3% in and around the capital area. All areas showed an increase, but traffic increased the least in North Iceland, or by 0.7%.
Of the individual samples, the sample size in Mýrdalssandur showed the largest increase, or 14.9%, but only one sample showed a decrease, which was in the Mývatn wilderness, or 4.3%.
Traffic by day of the week
Between years, traffic increased every day of the week, except Fridays, but traffic increased most on Mondays, or by 10%, while traffic decreased by 1.6% on Fridays.
Most of the driving was on Fridays but the least on Saturdays.